We've all heard it—location, location, location—and as important as that is, it's just as crucial to focus on your people, people, people. While there are many tried and true methods to building a business that involve the visual trappings of a successful local brand, many overlook the human element at their peril. This presentation touches on this oh-so-crucial & personal ingredient to brand building, elaborating on why your company shouldn't cultivate clock-watchers, but instead build a team that has your brand in their bones.
We were asked to give a presentation about branding. We were only given 10 minutes. A short time to cover a large subject. No worries. We've got this.
It’s nothing new hear about building your business brand. But what does it mean to have a personal brand, and how can it’s strength benefit your business? This presentation takes a philosophical & psychological approach to personal brand building with the assistance of social media networks. Who are you, really? What makes you unique? How do you share your talents with a larger audience?
The time limit for the presentation is 30 minutes and is meant to be an introduction to social media only. It focuses on 4 key areas; You Tube, Facebook, Twitter and Blogging. In an attempt to economize on time, I have provided the audience with quick "pro tips" on several slides, should any of them wish to take notes, or view the slides later.
This presentation was created for Fusion Five's Social Media Event, August 28 2009. This presentation is geared towards the new Twitter user, or those who want to get started and would like to make the right first steps.